Contact us

Phone +64 4 472 1050
Fax +64 4 471 2065


Auckland - Tāmaki Makaurau

Level 25 - (note relocated from level 26)
151 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
New Zealand

Wellington - Te Whanganui a Tara

Level 20
157 Lambton Quay
Wellington 6011
New Zealand

Postal address

PO Box 10357
Wellington 6143
New Zealand


Information for clients

Here, we've included documents of interest to prospective and current clients. The first provides information required by the Rules of Conduct and Client Care for Lawyers issued by the New Zealand Law Society. The second sets out our standard terms of engagement.

Information required by the Rules of Conduct and Client Care for Lawyers 

Standard terms of engagement

Click here to make a complaint about our Greenhouse Gas Emissions